Haven't posted in so long thought I'd better start somewhere. We still haven't moved into our new house - fingers crossed we will be in in about 5 weeks! After 6 weeks living in Richards parents house (with a week in Sicily in between) we moved into a short term rental now just 3 mins walk from work. (and yes you can read between the lines there~!)
Kids are totally settled in school now and Matthew has started french horn lessons as well so I'm on the road most afternoons with both of them but they are loving it.
Richard bought me a gorgeous new macbook last thursday so I could get properly back online so I am having loads of fun setting it up and playing around with all the new programs - I have remembered why I alwasy loved Macs - so so easy to use! Thankfully we have wireless here in the apartment so as I type the kids are in their bedroom watching a dvd, richard is studying in the living room and I'm sitting at the kitchen table with a cuppa! Chill out time!!!
I have so many photos to share but haven't got them on this machine yet, loads from Sicily and Ronan and Aoifes wedding - which was without doubt the best wedding I've been at barring my own. Some of the photos are on my facebook if you fancy a look.
Crafting wise I haven't done that much at all recently with most of my stuff being in storage but I have been going to Loras every tuesday night and getting to scrap at least once a week, I even started some christmas cards :-O
Anyway am going to get back to setting this baby up (my mac book really deserves a name - answers on a postcard please!) and I'll share all my photos as soon as I get the loaded up!
OH and A BIG TOOT TOOT to the best young scrapper in Ireland - Bronwen Howley who appears in this months Scrpabook Inspirations - remember her name you will only see more of it, If I only had her talent.......................