Well I'm back after the easter break and it went by all too fast, I had so many plans in my head about what we would do and only managed about half of them. We did do lots of fun stuff though, Janet (aka tigger) and I did a kid swop on the thursday before easter, Sophie stayed here much to Abbie's delight and Matthew went to stay with Benjamin. Those two boys get on so well with each other its almost scary, they just clicked right from day one and when they are together they are lost in the world of nintendo DS and Mythological creatures!!
We had a great day out in fota on Good friday where we met up with Ruth and her two kids and Janet to swop the kids back, we had a lovely walk to the coffee shop before the rain started so we hopped on the train back to the entrance and all headed to Ruths house for coffee. The boys were delighted to find that Ruth's hubby has a Wii and that kept them amused for the afternoon, Abbie, Anna and Tom had loads of fun with Abbie's camera and took some great shots in the process!
On easter sunday evening Tracy and I headed off in her 8 seater car to make the trip to Ikea, we went as far as Dublin on sunday night and met up with Janet, Iona, Gertie and Donna for a drink in the hotel, I think I may have a tiny bit to do with Janet making the trip too ;-) ;-) Monday morning after our obligatory Bewleys breakfast we hit the road north and stopped for a coffee in Bambridge - of course the fact the there was a GAP outlet there too might have had something to do with it!!! A few bags of shopping later and we hit the road for Belfast and Ikea. We were so much more efficient this time round in Ikea as we didn't quite have to stop and oooooohhhh at everything, loading Tracy's car was like doing a christmas day jigsaw puzzle but we managed it and even sneaked back in to Ikea to fill the gaps!! We drove direct form Belfast home and managed the journey in 5 1/2 hours without once breaking the speed limit, we were stopped at a garda checkpoint as we reached Tivoli and the poor Guard thought that we were completely bonkers when he asked what was in the back!
ooops gotta go here will continue later!!!