Sunday 15 April 2007

Back to school in the morning

Can't believe that the holiday has gone by so fast, thanks to the great weather the kids spent most of the time outdoors and they have healthy glows in their cheeks going back to "real life" tomorrow!
I had a busy but fun week last week too, contracts for the house have gone to our solicitor to be reviewed and hopefully will be signed asap so their was allot of sorting out there. Our own house is being painted and decluttered too and we loaded all the boxes into the attic today and our bins are full too! This term is going to be a busy one for me in school - in Rockboro we have two piano concerts (half the students in each), an open day, piano exams, feis performances and hopefully a trip to the theatre to fit in in the next eight weeks as well as communion and confirmations to celebrate (and teach music for too!). In Pres We will have a performance for the parents to showcase what we have worked on since January too! Matthew and Abbie will be performing in the everyman palace theatre at the end of may in the CADA end of year show - can't wait to see Abbie's reaction to being on stage - she will love it, Matthew is an old hand at this stage lark now! Matthew also has a feis and a karate grading coming up too so it will be busy for him!

I did a scrappy party on Saturday with Sarah who had booked me for it last September and was so so excited! We did canvases using the scrummy Basic grey Gypsy papers and some Huge Heidi swapp blooms and the girls did a fantastic job - they were working so hard all afternoon and their wasn't a sound in the room other than - "can you pass me the circle cutter" and oohs and aahs over each others work - some of them used their left over papers to make a bag too that was inspired by the bag template I found HERE (challenge three) but I have adapted it a bit to make it slightly smaller and without the insert bit too - one of the girls has the bag as well as her canvas in this photo - check out Karyn and Kerri's work these two girls were the youngest at the party at only 7 and 9 and worked so hard! . Here are the next generation of scrappers!!! By the end of the party they were using words such as "brad" "eyelet" "cropadile" and "Layout" like seasoned scrappers!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Only five more sleeps to crafteire - I'm getting really excited now - must sort out my photos tomorrow evening, am doing classes with Beckie (my roommate for the weekend too!), Jane Amber, Kirsty, and Annamarie as well as meeting up with all my favourite crafters - I can't wait!!!

Monday 9 April 2007

Belated Happy Easter!

The weather for the weekend was fantastic and we spent loads of time in the garden. Mum, Dad and Ronan came over for lunch on Sunday and the kids had great fun with Dad in the garden racing on the hoppers. Ronan took loads of great pics too -really love his camera!!

Just some here to show, will post more later!

Abbie's novel way of climbing on her hopper!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The race in progress
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

its a close call!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

We also took Mum, Dad and Ronan to see the house, well the site really and they were impressed! The house is looking on to an equestrian centre and Matthew decided that when we move he might take up horse riding - just to add to his already huge list of activities and he has already applied to take up the French Horn next September!

I spent all day today sorting through all my stash into stuff that can be packed away until after we move (ie Christmas stuff mostly) and sorting my totes into as Richard put it Business and Pleasure! even managed to sort out my eyelets and brads into separate colours again! I can't wait to have my own space! Not to have to clear away all the time would be fantastic!

Am off to Lismore tomorrow for the day and going to meet Janet (aka Tigger) there with the kids and check out the craft shop too, Matthew is so excited because Benjamin is coming back with us to have a sleepover, we have made him do so many jobs for us over the weekend on the strength of this - we are such evil parents! LOL!!

Better hit the sack here as I'm sure Matthew will be calling me bright and early in the morning!

Tuesday 3 April 2007

the decision has been made

Tomorrow we go and pay over the deposit, I'm getting a craft room! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and we are buying a house too! lol Can you tell which excites me more!
Here are the floor plans for the house and my craft room is the room on the first floor with the balcony - stupidly referred to as bedroom 1 by the developers - don't they realise that they would sell way more houses if they marketed them properly!

Will try and get photos tomorrow of the house as it is at the moment!

I think we have found our house!

Fingers crossed that by the end of the week we will have a deposit down on our new house! Don't want to post the link to it until it is all finalised but I am so excited!!! It is a new build and won't be finished until november and it is GORGEOUS - the craft room even has a balcony - so loads of light! Have phonecalls to make in the morning and a final viewing of the showhouse on wednesday but it looks like it will happen!

Watch this space!