Wednesday 4 July 2007

I'm gonna Live forever!

The song that Abbie is playing on loop since we saw Fame at the INEC in Killarney last saturday, in fact last weekend was a real 80's weekend with Duran Duran in the marquee on friday night and Fame on saturday, Abbie has her own words though - "I'm gonna live forever, I don't know how to fly FAME, I'm gonna be a big brother, baby remember my name!" no ammount of convincing will persuade her that these are not what is being sung on her CD!
We had three viewings for the house yesterday so fingers crossed we get an offer asap - I can't cope withmuch more tidying up for viewings.
I was at the Crop in the craft mills last night and managed to not only get there on time but also complete a whole LO - must photograph it later to post up, I managed to come home with some twinkling H2o's and fairie glitter as well as the stamp of the month which is a fantastic box stamp - having fun playing with them this afternoon! Lora has started a blog too so check it out here.
Better go and check out what Abbie is upto - the music has stopped and she is being suspiciously quiet - can't be a good sign!



Beckie said...

Hey Missus!
How cute is that! I can just imagine Abby!!
Need to send you an email with all the chit chatter!
We are doing fine ... pooped though! Will try and get it done asap ... just wanted you to know I've not fallen of the earth!!

Lora said...

Loud Cough and clearing of throat......

Just because of the stick you gave me about being an itsy bitsy year older than you.

Should you not update your profile now, that's false advertising or something I'm sure.
